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  • Marketing and Design Commission in Chorale le Bon Berger Kigali

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    The Chorale le Bon Berger Kigali works as a choir in Saint Michael Parish, Archdiocese of Kigali.  Its structure is centered on a committee that coordinates and directs the choir, three choir commissions, the four voice groups and the general choir members.

    The Marketing and Design Commission of Chorale le Bon Berger Kigali consists of 2 persons:  The President and the Deputy President, as well as other dedicated people who assist in the activities of the Commission. They are responsible for marketing all choir activities, promoting choir activities on social media via ,YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and the choir website, they are responsible for designing choir notice boards, uniforms depending on planned activities, they are responsible for digital storage and control of all choir data, they are responsible for seeking choir funding and assisting in recruiting new members. This commission has the mission to design a good and strong platform to promote the choir at home and abroad as well as managing and protecting this platform.


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    The Marketing and Design Commission was directly tasked to coordinate a campaign to select and award the Chorister of the Year in support of the Choir Coordination Team. 


    The first task of the Marketing and Design Commission of Chorale le Bon Berger Kigali is to promote all choir activities, the second is to find out paid wedding and funeral masses so that the choir keeps growing financially and the last is to provide the needed designs.


    The mission is to make the choir clearly known at home and abroad.


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  • CBB-Kigali Info

    Here you can find all the information related to Chorale le Bon Berger Kigali.

    Noella Tumukunde, The Chorister of the Year 2020

    Noella Tumukunde, is the sopranist and exampular chorister of the year 2020 in the family of the Choral le Bon Berger Kigali. She has helped the choir whenever the family needed it. Since joining the family, Noella has continued to follow the family's instructions and has strongly helped the family especially during the Covide-19 pandemic period. In addition, Noella has made every effort to improve her voice and steer the soprano's voice, as well as helping the entire choir during the various masses. Thus, everyone in the family is happy to sing alongside this strong chorister Noella, and having her in the family gives everyone the power to serve well, as well as to develop the quality of singing.